The Global Governance Research-to-Practice Lab is a team of interdisciplinary researchers working on projects related to global issues in international development.
Name:Paola Perez-Aleman
Associate Professor, Desautels Faculty of Management -
Name:Diana Allan
Assistant Professor, ISID and Department of Anthropology -
Name:Francesco Amodio
Assistant Professor, ISID and Department of Economics -
Name:Manuel Balán
Assistant Professor, ISID and Department of Political Science -
Name:Megan Bradley
Associate Professor, ISID and Department of Political Science -
Name:Erik Kuhonta
Director of ISID, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science -
Name:Sonia Laszlo
Lab Program Lead and Associate Professor, Department of Economics -
Name:Yann le Polain de Waroux
Assistant Professor, ISID and Department of Geography
Professors of Practice in Global Governance
Professors of Practice in Global Governance are selected based on their practical achievements to date in promoting better global governance. Current and previous Professors of Practice in Global Governance are:
Name:Michael Brown
The 2018 Professor of Practice in Global Governance -
Name:Stephen Lewis
The 2014 Professor or Practice in Global Governance
Professors of Practice
Name:Éliane Ubalijoro
Professor of Practice, Institute for the Study of International Development